clovenhooves The Personal Is Political Institutional Sexism Article Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?

Article Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?

Article Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?

Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Jan 1 2025, 2:50 PM
Matriarchal Blessing, October 6 2024.

Found via this r/TwoXChromosomes thread:

Not sharing because I care about why males are leaving higher education, but because the article author points out how men dismissing/leaving college/university is similar to the trends we see when women start entering any specific career/field — the work is now suddenly devalued/no longer "prestigious". In the same vein, more women attending university, now college education is no longer "valuable", because if women can do it, then "yuck", thanks to overall cultural misogyny. She also references a lot of fields that saw this misogynistic trend with statistical data.

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐
Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Jan 1 2025, 2:50 PM #1

Matriarchal Blessing, October 6 2024.

Found via this r/TwoXChromosomes thread:

Not sharing because I care about why males are leaving higher education, but because the article author points out how men dismissing/leaving college/university is similar to the trends we see when women start entering any specific career/field — the work is now suddenly devalued/no longer "prestigious". In the same vein, more women attending university, now college education is no longer "valuable", because if women can do it, then "yuck", thanks to overall cultural misogyny. She also references a lot of fields that saw this misogynistic trend with statistical data.

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐

Jan 4 2025, 8:11 PM
Ok someone correct me if I'm wrong...but I remember looking into male college stats once, just the pure numbers of men compared to men from the past, and they showed...nothing. I think it even showed a slow, steady increase (if I remember right. I don't feel like finding the stats because they're buried under all the deceptive "MALE EDUCATION CRISIS" bullshit). It's just that women are for the first time outperforming men in this area instead of men ruling all as God intended. And after centuries of women being denied basic education, we're supposed to see THAT as a crisis? Men have literally prevented women from competing and cheated their way to the top. We need feminist programs to compensate for centuries of abuse of women by men, enacted into literal law, let alone society. And now that men got outperformed by a tiny margin, they're whining about how THEY'RE oppressed? The percentages barely skew female anyways, but this is apparently such a massive deal because poor widdle men are not the majority any more and that means something's wrong with the world. Cry me a river.

And they're STILL cheating! They're still earning more, even with shittier or no education! They're still being gifted positions they're underqualified for over women! They have the fucking gall to portray themselves as victims while STILL hogging all the power, money and authority despite doing jackshit to deserve it!

And even stuff like trades, men make so fucking hostile and abusive towards women as well as unnecessarily dangrous due to all the men's dick-measuring contests and substance abuse, and then jerk each other off for being such big real men for doing real men's work and chasing women out who "don't have what it takes" because they won't put up with being picked on for the sin of not being male. Meanwhile men in traditionally female jobs get the glass escalator where they rise up the ranks with astonishing speed, and even there we're supposed to cry over how stigmatised and hard life is for them while they dry their tears with all the money that women don't get to have. My god imagine if misogyny paid half as much as all this misandry does.
Edited Jan 5 2025, 11:50 AM by YesYourNigel.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing
Jan 4 2025, 8:11 PM #2

Ok someone correct me if I'm wrong...but I remember looking into male college stats once, just the pure numbers of men compared to men from the past, and they showed...nothing. I think it even showed a slow, steady increase (if I remember right. I don't feel like finding the stats because they're buried under all the deceptive "MALE EDUCATION CRISIS" bullshit). It's just that women are for the first time outperforming men in this area instead of men ruling all as God intended. And after centuries of women being denied basic education, we're supposed to see THAT as a crisis? Men have literally prevented women from competing and cheated their way to the top. We need feminist programs to compensate for centuries of abuse of women by men, enacted into literal law, let alone society. And now that men got outperformed by a tiny margin, they're whining about how THEY'RE oppressed? The percentages barely skew female anyways, but this is apparently such a massive deal because poor widdle men are not the majority any more and that means something's wrong with the world. Cry me a river.

And they're STILL cheating! They're still earning more, even with shittier or no education! They're still being gifted positions they're underqualified for over women! They have the fucking gall to portray themselves as victims while STILL hogging all the power, money and authority despite doing jackshit to deserve it!

And even stuff like trades, men make so fucking hostile and abusive towards women as well as unnecessarily dangrous due to all the men's dick-measuring contests and substance abuse, and then jerk each other off for being such big real men for doing real men's work and chasing women out who "don't have what it takes" because they won't put up with being picked on for the sin of not being male. Meanwhile men in traditionally female jobs get the glass escalator where they rise up the ranks with astonishing speed, and even there we're supposed to cry over how stigmatised and hard life is for them while they dry their tears with all the money that women don't get to have. My god imagine if misogyny paid half as much as all this misandry does.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Jan 5 2025, 1:09 AM
(Jan 4 2025, 8:11 PM)YesYourNigel It's just that women are for the first time outperforming men in this area instead of men ruling all as God intended. And after centuries of women being denied basic education, we're supposed to see THAT as a crisis? Men have literally prevented women from competing and cheated their way to the top. We need feminist programs for compensate for centuries of abuse of women by men, enacted into literal law, let alone society. And now that men got outperformed by a tiny margin, they're whining about how THEY'RE oppressed? They percentages barely skew female anyways, but this is apparently such a massive deal because poor widdle men are not the majority any more and that means something's wrong with the world. Cry me a river.

I think about this a lot; it's the part that really drives me nuts. Like y'all were okay with it when women couldn't even fucking go to school for literally fucking centuries in modern history; now it's a crisis that women have had better college attendance or whatever for less than a decade? If so, then why the fuck wasn't it a crisis before? Maybe it's because men think that if men are on top, that's just the natural order of things, but if WOMEN are on top, then BY GOD something must have gone wrong!!! 🙄
Edited Jan 5 2025, 1:10 AM by komorebi. Edit Reason: grammar
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Jan 5 2025, 1:09 AM #3

(Jan 4 2025, 8:11 PM)YesYourNigel It's just that women are for the first time outperforming men in this area instead of men ruling all as God intended. And after centuries of women being denied basic education, we're supposed to see THAT as a crisis? Men have literally prevented women from competing and cheated their way to the top. We need feminist programs for compensate for centuries of abuse of women by men, enacted into literal law, let alone society. And now that men got outperformed by a tiny margin, they're whining about how THEY'RE oppressed? They percentages barely skew female anyways, but this is apparently such a massive deal because poor widdle men are not the majority any more and that means something's wrong with the world. Cry me a river.

I think about this a lot; it's the part that really drives me nuts. Like y'all were okay with it when women couldn't even fucking go to school for literally fucking centuries in modern history; now it's a crisis that women have had better college attendance or whatever for less than a decade? If so, then why the fuck wasn't it a crisis before? Maybe it's because men think that if men are on top, that's just the natural order of things, but if WOMEN are on top, then BY GOD something must have gone wrong!!! 🙄

Jan 5 2025, 10:20 AM
What's that quote? “When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”
Jan 5 2025, 10:20 AM #4

What's that quote? “When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”

Jan 5 2025, 12:13 PM
Also I'd like to add, men are the only group that's privileged enough to claim their supposedly soooo oppressive lot in life is, shrug, just nature, I guess.. Men will proudly say that men evolved to be violent, emotionally undeveloped and unstable, incapable of cooperation, rapists, unable to work with women due to their misogyny and desire for exploitation etc. Imagine if women or black people proudly stated these things! "Oh, I guess we can't attend college or jobs because we just evolved to be stupid and lazy and drag society down. It's just mother nature 💁‍♀️"

So many men whine about how education has been feminised because of female teachers that boys don't respect (which is women's fault ofc) and because boys have to actually (GASP) study and not run around screaming and bullying each other all day (is anyone gonna tell them how much stricter schools used to be? You wouldn't be running around and screaming when you were getting lashing with a ruler from your precious male teachers). Sorry to tell you this, but there's no way to make you pass college while playing online competitive vidya games all day. This isn't society oppressing you, this is you performing like shit, getting outplayed and demanding that everyone else carry your sad pathetic ass because boo-hoo you didn't evolve to handle responsibility so it should fall on someone else, especially all those gender inferiors who evolved to nanny you.

We have programs that try to get women and minorities into all the positions men have excluded them from because we know we have the potential to do so much more if given a chance, and the education, confidence and incentives men have been given as a matter of course. We know we have so much we can contribute to humanity with our intellectual and social abilities that have either been stunted or ignored or straight up banned. We know we can advance past our shackles that men have forcibly placed on us. And the fucking spoiled and privileged brats see this and start whining about how boo-hoo-hoo this is not fair, why can't THEY get free stuff and why would they HAVE to do anything and make any kind of progress? It's not fair, I was supposed to keep playing my vidya games forever WAAAH!

It's also telling that white men are supposed to be so very oppressed and yet they can't get off their butts to do anything about it, demanding instead that their supposed female non-white oppressors play nanny and think up all the advocacy and analysis for them while they go off to do more important things like crypto and redpill.
Edited Jan 6 2025, 9:31 AM by YesYourNigel.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing
Jan 5 2025, 12:13 PM #5

Also I'd like to add, men are the only group that's privileged enough to claim their supposedly soooo oppressive lot in life is, shrug, just nature, I guess.. Men will proudly say that men evolved to be violent, emotionally undeveloped and unstable, incapable of cooperation, rapists, unable to work with women due to their misogyny and desire for exploitation etc. Imagine if women or black people proudly stated these things! "Oh, I guess we can't attend college or jobs because we just evolved to be stupid and lazy and drag society down. It's just mother nature 💁‍♀️"

So many men whine about how education has been feminised because of female teachers that boys don't respect (which is women's fault ofc) and because boys have to actually (GASP) study and not run around screaming and bullying each other all day (is anyone gonna tell them how much stricter schools used to be? You wouldn't be running around and screaming when you were getting lashing with a ruler from your precious male teachers). Sorry to tell you this, but there's no way to make you pass college while playing online competitive vidya games all day. This isn't society oppressing you, this is you performing like shit, getting outplayed and demanding that everyone else carry your sad pathetic ass because boo-hoo you didn't evolve to handle responsibility so it should fall on someone else, especially all those gender inferiors who evolved to nanny you.

We have programs that try to get women and minorities into all the positions men have excluded them from because we know we have the potential to do so much more if given a chance, and the education, confidence and incentives men have been given as a matter of course. We know we have so much we can contribute to humanity with our intellectual and social abilities that have either been stunted or ignored or straight up banned. We know we can advance past our shackles that men have forcibly placed on us. And the fucking spoiled and privileged brats see this and start whining about how boo-hoo-hoo this is not fair, why can't THEY get free stuff and why would they HAVE to do anything and make any kind of progress? It's not fair, I was supposed to keep playing my vidya games forever WAAAH!

It's also telling that white men are supposed to be so very oppressed and yet they can't get off their butts to do anything about it, demanding instead that their supposed female non-white oppressors play nanny and think up all the advocacy and analysis for them while they go off to do more important things like crypto and redpill.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing

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