Resource BUYERS UNMASKED: Exposing the Men Who Buy Sex & Solutions to End Exploitation
Resource BUYERS UNMASKED: Exposing the Men Who Buy Sex & Solutions to End Exploitation
This is an excellent new report from rights4girls (@rights4girls) that “seeks to shine a light on a consistently overlooked dimension of commercial sexual exploitation: the sex buyers who fuel this destructive system. The report features sex buyer quotes from across the country to expose the ways in which these men view and discuss the individuals they purchase for sex acts as well as the overall act of sex buying.
“By showcasing sex buyers in their own words, highlighting key trends among their attitudes, and revealing demographic data of sex buyers versus sex trade survivors across the U.S., we argue that current prostitution policies must be reformed to address these realities and offer possible solutions to end sexual exploitation. By examining case studies of Australia, New Zealand, and Rhode Island, we conclude that current calls to decriminalize “sex work” are a failed approach because they result in an expansion of the sex trade, offering more women and youth up to the very men we highlight in these pages, while frustrating efforts to hold sex traffickers and other exploiters accountable.”
Download the report here:
I'm going to respond with the link to this report every time someone comments "sex work is work." Sure, "work" that disproportionately affects girls and women of color, and they're being used by white men, against whom libfems love to rage so their support of prostitution is completely idiotic.
Thank you for sharing.
This is what people need to read and be aware of.
(Feb 4 2025, 1:09 PM)Elsacat I don't know if I can make myself read the report. Every time I read what the buyers say about the women and girls they pay to abuse, it makes me sick.
(Feb 4 2025, 1:09 PM)Elsacat I don't know if I can make myself read the report. Every time I read what the buyers say about the women and girls they pay to abuse, it makes me sick.