Article Misogyny Is 2025’s Biggest Trend
Article Misogyny Is 2025’s Biggest Trend
Quote: Zuck, who has three daughters if you were wondering, kicked off 2025 with a host of “anti-woke” initiatives, including radically upending the company’s fact-checking systems, rolling back diversity programs, and removing tampons, which had been provided for trans and nonbinary employees, from men’s bathrooms.
The irony is, parts of this article could be considered an 11th item on the list.
Quote: Zuck, who has three daughters if you were wondering, kicked off 2025 with a host of “anti-woke” initiatives, including radically upending the company’s fact-checking systems, rolling back diversity programs, and removing tampons, which had been provided for trans and nonbinary employees, from men’s bathrooms.
How long have women lived under patriarchy? I don't think it only started in 2025, Stephanie... This author is being fooled, misogyny is always in fashion under patriarchy. This is the issue with the association that the right-wing = misogynistic, and therefore it must mean the "left-wing" = not misogynistic. (I put "left-wing" in quotes because, I mean, I believe that actual left-wing values are antithetical to misogyny, but alas, brogressives have "usurped the left-wing" and made people think it's woke-bro willy nonsense.) Left-wing misogyny is covert, right-wing misogyny is overt.
@Shroom Your addition to YYN's intersex post is awesome! So appreciative of women like you and YYN building up such resources.
And yes, the irony of an article that is supposed to be about misogyny needing to include transgenderism. lawl. Stephanie, you've been wearing the latest fashion... all this time... welcome to the Hotel California.
(Though I still do appreciate in general this documentation of misogyny since the start of 2025. Wow, what a year huh? Glad it's almost over... oh wait... )
I don't love the "must include trans" aspects of the article but, in keeping with decentering trans in my life, I won't promote it but I also won't avoid sharing info that might also include pro-trans stuff, if I believe there's other valuable info. It sucks that it's hard to find sources that just focus on women without bringing trans into it either to promote or detract. Like...just talk about WOMEN.