On authoritarianism and religion
On authoritarianism and religion
ZappSmithBrannigan Christians don't give a shit about christianity or the bible.
They care about "the hierarchy"
Its how theyre taught to view ***everything.***
Those higher on the hierarchy are right, based solely on the fact they are high up on the hierarchy. It doesnt matter what they say or why, they're at the top so they must be right.
Thats also why theyre sexist and racist because men are higher on the hierarchy then women and white people are higher on the hierarchy than brown people.
They don't give a fuck about what's true. The "truth" is dictated by whos at the top.
Badgroove This is what happens when your morals are based in authority rather than compassion and empathy.
ThatTallBrendan Hijacking the top reply to link [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/tqYpxWOgLR8)
It got posted on reddit a while back but it's extremely relevant. Vertical vs. Horizontal morality
Pstam323 Once you understand this, it brings you peace.
Christians are directed by a higher authority than you what to prioritize, so your arguments (as someone with no religious authority) have no validity.ConnectPatient9736 This video is also a great explanation of left vs. right, egalitarian vs. hierarchical thinking
Related to the Thoughts on conservativism thread.
Started due to this Reddit comment chain https://reddit.com/comments/1in3h7u/comment/mc7nzkb
ZappSmithBrannigan Christians don't give a shit about christianity or the bible.
They care about "the hierarchy"
Its how theyre taught to view ***everything.***
Those higher on the hierarchy are right, based solely on the fact they are high up on the hierarchy. It doesnt matter what they say or why, they're at the top so they must be right.
Thats also why theyre sexist and racist because men are higher on the hierarchy then women and white people are higher on the hierarchy than brown people.
They don't give a fuck about what's true. The "truth" is dictated by whos at the top.
Badgroove This is what happens when your morals are based in authority rather than compassion and empathy.
ThatTallBrendan Hijacking the top reply to link [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/tqYpxWOgLR8)
It got posted on reddit a while back but it's extremely relevant. Vertical vs. Horizontal morality
Pstam323 Once you understand this, it brings you peace.
Christians are directed by a higher authority than you what to prioritize, so your arguments (as someone with no religious authority) have no validity.ConnectPatient9736 This video is also a great explanation of left vs. right, egalitarian vs. hierarchical thinking
Vertical Morality video description Authoritarian Christianity has a Vertical Moral System (otherwise known as Divine Command Theory). To understand them, you must understand their moral system.
Vertical Morality video transcript Here is your regular reminder that their morality is vertical and not horizontal. This is why appeals to empathy will not work to change their mind, because their morality is not built on empathy, it's built on authority.
And "Michael the Christian" has demonstrated it right here with this comment. He's saying that God isn't really capable of killing anything, because He created everything, so He's just un-creating. He's saying it's not wrong to take the life, because He owns it. He created it, and therefore He owns it. He is bigger and stronger than everyone else. He has the *authority* to do so.
This is a vertical moral system. Under a vertical moral system, murder is not wrong because it harms somebody, it's wrong because you don't have the authority to do it. But that also means that *if* you have the authority to do it, you can do it.
This is the problem with a vertical moral system. This is why they become so violent so quickly. Because all they have to do to convince themselves it's okay to kill someone, is to convince themselves that they've been given the authority to do it by God: Holocaust, slavery, colonialism, Crusades.
Meanwhile, if you have a horizontal moral system, then you believe that murder is wrong because it causes harm. It's not about authority, it's about harm. When you have a horizontal moral system, then you are criticizing a God that would kill people, because it doesn't matter if that God is bigger or stronger, might does not make right. It doesn't matter if He claims to have the authority, He is still causing harm. But under that vertical moral system, then might makes right.
It's authoritarianism, and when their religion is authoritarian, then that means their moral system is authoritarian. And when their moral system is authoritarian, it will trickle down into all kinds of other beliefs, including their politics, including who they vote for.
And if they believe that God has ordained it, if they believe that the ultimate authority figure says it's okay, then it doesn't matter who it harms. Appeals to empathy will not work, because they don't get their morals from empathy, they get it from authority. They're authoritarians.
Vertical Morality video description Authoritarian Christianity has a Vertical Moral System (otherwise known as Divine Command Theory). To understand them, you must understand their moral system.
Vertical Morality video transcript Here is your regular reminder that their morality is vertical and not horizontal. This is why appeals to empathy will not work to change their mind, because their morality is not built on empathy, it's built on authority.
And "Michael the Christian" has demonstrated it right here with this comment. He's saying that God isn't really capable of killing anything, because He created everything, so He's just un-creating. He's saying it's not wrong to take the life, because He owns it. He created it, and therefore He owns it. He is bigger and stronger than everyone else. He has the *authority* to do so.
This is a vertical moral system. Under a vertical moral system, murder is not wrong because it harms somebody, it's wrong because you don't have the authority to do it. But that also means that *if* you have the authority to do it, you can do it.
This is the problem with a vertical moral system. This is why they become so violent so quickly. Because all they have to do to convince themselves it's okay to kill someone, is to convince themselves that they've been given the authority to do it by God: Holocaust, slavery, colonialism, Crusades.
Meanwhile, if you have a horizontal moral system, then you believe that murder is wrong because it causes harm. It's not about authority, it's about harm. When you have a horizontal moral system, then you are criticizing a God that would kill people, because it doesn't matter if that God is bigger or stronger, might does not make right. It doesn't matter if He claims to have the authority, He is still causing harm. But under that vertical moral system, then might makes right.
It's authoritarianism, and when their religion is authoritarian, then that means their moral system is authoritarian. And when their moral system is authoritarian, it will trickle down into all kinds of other beliefs, including their politics, including who they vote for.
And if they believe that God has ordained it, if they believe that the ultimate authority figure says it's okay, then it doesn't matter who it harms. Appeals to empathy will not work, because they don't get their morals from empathy, they get it from authority. They're authoritarians.
Good stuff.
I've been trying to express to people who say "Christianity is the least influential as it has ever been in this country" (speaking from a purely American standpoint here) that it's not only about the number of Christians, but that Christian morality has such a deep hold in our culture that it persists regardless of the number of people that actively call themselves one. I think vertical morality touches on that point pretty well.
And it extends beyond just social interactions. A lot of the religious right that I know in real life are people who you would think would be pro-environment. Hunters, fishermen and the like. But they all roll their eyes at the idea of taking steps to keep their rivers and forests clean. But it makes sense because they aren't part of nature. They are humans! Nature is given to humans by God because we are his favorite. It is their God given right to rule over nature, and use it as much as they want without giving back.
I'll have to remember who it was who wrote a great article about poor people in Louisiana who lived off fishing and foraging supporting deregulation of the oil companies that are destroying the Mississippi.
I recommend George Lakoff on this subject - he makes the argument that you can separate 'conservatives' from 'liberals' (or at least non-conservatives) by asking 'if your baby cries, do you comfort it or leave it alone?'
(Feb 11 2025, 10:02 PM)CloverBadgroove This is what happens when your morals are based in authority rather than compassion and empathy.
(Feb 11 2025, 10:02 PM)CloverThatTallBrendan Hijacking the top reply to link [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/tqYpxWOgLR8)
It got posted on reddit a while back but it's extremely relevant. Vertical vs. Horizontal morality
Once you understand this, it brings you peace.
Christians are directed by a higher authority than you what to prioritize, so your arguments (as someone with no religious authority) have no validity.
(Feb 11 2025, 10:02 PM)CloverConnectPatient9736 This video is also a great explanation of left vs. right, egalitarian vs. hierarchical thinking
(Feb 12 2025, 9:21 AM)Lemonade I've been trying to express to people who say "Christianity is the least influential as it has ever been in this country" (speaking from a purely American standpoint here) that it's not only about the number of Christians, but that Christian morality has such a deep hold in our culture that it persists regardless of the number of people that actively call themselves one.
(Feb 12 2025, 9:21 AM)Lemonade And it extends beyond just social interactions. A lot of the religious right that I know in real life are people who you would think would be pro-environment. Hunters, fishermen and the like. But they all roll their eyes at the idea of taking steps to keep their rivers and forests clean. But it makes sense because they aren't part of nature. They are humans! Nature is given to humans by God because we are his favorite. It is their God given right to rule over nature, and use it as much as they want without giving back.
(Feb 11 2025, 10:02 PM)CloverBadgroove This is what happens when your morals are based in authority rather than compassion and empathy.
(Feb 11 2025, 10:02 PM)CloverThatTallBrendan Hijacking the top reply to link [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/tqYpxWOgLR8)
It got posted on reddit a while back but it's extremely relevant. Vertical vs. Horizontal morality
Once you understand this, it brings you peace.
Christians are directed by a higher authority than you what to prioritize, so your arguments (as someone with no religious authority) have no validity.
(Feb 11 2025, 10:02 PM)CloverConnectPatient9736 This video is also a great explanation of left vs. right, egalitarian vs. hierarchical thinking
(Feb 12 2025, 9:21 AM)Lemonade I've been trying to express to people who say "Christianity is the least influential as it has ever been in this country" (speaking from a purely American standpoint here) that it's not only about the number of Christians, but that Christian morality has such a deep hold in our culture that it persists regardless of the number of people that actively call themselves one.
(Feb 12 2025, 9:21 AM)Lemonade And it extends beyond just social interactions. A lot of the religious right that I know in real life are people who you would think would be pro-environment. Hunters, fishermen and the like. But they all roll their eyes at the idea of taking steps to keep their rivers and forests clean. But it makes sense because they aren't part of nature. They are humans! Nature is given to humans by God because we are his favorite. It is their God given right to rule over nature, and use it as much as they want without giving back.