clovenhooves The Personal Is Political Gender Critical Discussion Those who are anti-trans because they believe it'll "fix" their failure-to-launch children

Discussion Those who are anti-trans because they believe it'll "fix" their failure-to-launch children

Discussion Those who are anti-trans because they believe it'll "fix" their failure-to-launch children

Kozlik's regular account ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ
Dec 27 2024, 8:06 PM
I wonder how many people out there who are anti-trans (who incorrectly laude themselves as "gender critical") are parents who have "failure to launch" children that got sucked into transgenderism. These parents are likely especially fraught that their children are living "alternative" lifestyles, such as not continuing the traditional nuclear family model or not following traditional models of gender conformity. If these children didn't take up transgenderism as their rebellion du jour, there would be something else to pearl-clutch about. (Maybe that they're atheists, that they're gay, that they're living with their romantic partner before marriage, that they're having sex before marriage, that they have too many tattoos and piercings, etc.)

(Yes, anti-trans people can have valid reasons shared by gender critical people in being trans-critical, like off-label "puberty blockers" damaging children's health, children being encouraged by adults to believe they are the "other 'gender'" because of pink and blue souls, cross-sex hormones and cosmetic surgeries being given to older children and young adults. But I'm skeptical that's all they are worried about.)

Namely, I see instances of people pointing out how transgenderism is like a New Age religion/cult, and I agree. But some anti-trans people seem to be of the belief that a lack of religious upbringing and participation in the family's religion of choice is what caused these people to resort to transgenderism as people have some "innate" desire to have a religion (how do atheists exist then..?) as opposed to the more obvious answer of humans are social creatures and we want to be part of a community where we feel like we belong. For many, and for a long time, religion filled that social "community" need. However, people in younger generations are choosing to leave religion. The reasons for that are many, but I assume mainly to do with not wanting to support the regressive conservative values of most religions, realizing its kind of ridiculous to believe in God(s), and blatant corruption and degeneracy (Catholic church harboring pedos, anyone?) in many organzied religions. The answer to children who have turned down organized religion and picked up transgenderism is not "return to the family's organized religion," the answer is to help them find a healthy community.

Also I think for a lot of the parents it's important to just accept that maybe their older/adult kids are "losers" and getting into transgenderism is one of the popular modern ways for them to express that. Electing Trump won't make their basement-dwelling cat-ears-wearing sons finally take a shower and "man up." soz.

Kozlik's regular member account. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ
Kozlik's regular account ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ
Dec 27 2024, 8:06 PM #1

I wonder how many people out there who are anti-trans (who incorrectly laude themselves as "gender critical") are parents who have "failure to launch" children that got sucked into transgenderism. These parents are likely especially fraught that their children are living "alternative" lifestyles, such as not continuing the traditional nuclear family model or not following traditional models of gender conformity. If these children didn't take up transgenderism as their rebellion du jour, there would be something else to pearl-clutch about. (Maybe that they're atheists, that they're gay, that they're living with their romantic partner before marriage, that they're having sex before marriage, that they have too many tattoos and piercings, etc.)

(Yes, anti-trans people can have valid reasons shared by gender critical people in being trans-critical, like off-label "puberty blockers" damaging children's health, children being encouraged by adults to believe they are the "other 'gender'" because of pink and blue souls, cross-sex hormones and cosmetic surgeries being given to older children and young adults. But I'm skeptical that's all they are worried about.)

Namely, I see instances of people pointing out how transgenderism is like a New Age religion/cult, and I agree. But some anti-trans people seem to be of the belief that a lack of religious upbringing and participation in the family's religion of choice is what caused these people to resort to transgenderism as people have some "innate" desire to have a religion (how do atheists exist then..?) as opposed to the more obvious answer of humans are social creatures and we want to be part of a community where we feel like we belong. For many, and for a long time, religion filled that social "community" need. However, people in younger generations are choosing to leave religion. The reasons for that are many, but I assume mainly to do with not wanting to support the regressive conservative values of most religions, realizing its kind of ridiculous to believe in God(s), and blatant corruption and degeneracy (Catholic church harboring pedos, anyone?) in many organzied religions. The answer to children who have turned down organized religion and picked up transgenderism is not "return to the family's organized religion," the answer is to help them find a healthy community.

Also I think for a lot of the parents it's important to just accept that maybe their older/adult kids are "losers" and getting into transgenderism is one of the popular modern ways for them to express that. Electing Trump won't make their basement-dwelling cat-ears-wearing sons finally take a shower and "man up." soz.

Kozlik's regular member account. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ

โ€œI am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.โ€ โ€“ Audre Lorde
Dec 28 2024, 3:06 AM
Yeah, I've seen the argument that the breakdown of modern society is caused by a lack of religion. I get where they're coming from because religion used to be a sort of social glue for many communities, but like you say, the answer to this is to build healthy communities, not become religious.

This is reminding me of an article I read recently but I can't for the life of me find it. It was about a set of flats, I think somewhere in my state, where some families and older folk lived together and had a nice little community going on. Parents there said it was great because there were always neighbors around and you could leave the kids with them for fifteen minutes if you had to pop out to the store, the kids had other kids to play with, and the older folk got company and social interaction, instead of being isolated. That's the kind of community I think we should be encouraging. Anyway, I'll try to hunt the article down and I'll link it if I find it.
โ€œI am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.โ€ โ€“ Audre Lorde
Dec 28 2024, 3:06 AM #2

Yeah, I've seen the argument that the breakdown of modern society is caused by a lack of religion. I get where they're coming from because religion used to be a sort of social glue for many communities, but like you say, the answer to this is to build healthy communities, not become religious.

This is reminding me of an article I read recently but I can't for the life of me find it. It was about a set of flats, I think somewhere in my state, where some families and older folk lived together and had a nice little community going on. Parents there said it was great because there were always neighbors around and you could leave the kids with them for fifteen minutes if you had to pop out to the store, the kids had other kids to play with, and the older folk got company and social interaction, instead of being isolated. That's the kind of community I think we should be encouraging. Anyway, I'll try to hunt the article down and I'll link it if I find it.

Dec 28 2024, 3:08 PM
It's unsurprising that conservatives clutch their pearls over people not being religious, but I do find the "failure to launch" aspect intriguing. It's difficult to have a nuanced conversation on the damage the internet does on youth's psyche without the conversation being dominated by boomers whining about "kids these days", and youth dismissing any criticism as being out of touch and hysterical, alongside blissfully unaware parents who worry about being "helicopter parents". I definitely think there's a general trend of young people being stuck in their heads far too early, though in some ways it's difficult to tell how bad that is compared to before. If you look at girls, feeling horrible in one's own body, avoiding physical activity, becoming meek and anxious, finding yourself suddenly severely limited in your life and freedoms as a result of being preyed on by men, these things have always been expected and even idolised by a patriarchal society that saddles female people with trauma.

Quote:some anti-trans people seem to be of the belief that a lack of religious upbringing and participation in the family's religion of choice is what caused these people to resort to transgenderism as people have some "innate" desire to have a religion (how do atheists exist then..?)

I find the majority of atheists still fill that void with irrational beliefs, except in many cases said beliefs don't even have a pretence of morality and just revolve around enabling men in being self-absorbed and hedonistic. The same group will still parrot crazy conspiracy theories and misogynistic evopsych except now it'll feed their "I'm so much smarter than all the other sheeple"-ego (despite parroting the same beliefs, but uhh it's scientific now, I guess?). Male atheists specifically don't give a damn about the deplorable moral dimensions of organised religion, they just think they're better because they feel no guilt over jerking off to porn or watching snuff videos or visiting prostitutes or being brainlessly offensive edgelords or whatever other stupid shit men have in place of a personality. It speaks to how skewed the priorities are when most male atheists I see really only concern themselves about skirting any responsibility and self-improvement because any kind of shame = bad (which plays into how liberalism is basically just a movement to enable male hedonism with 0 criticism).

And after all, we've seen from gendersouls that people will latch onto completely imaginary explanations that are completely unfounded in reality just so they could prop up equally imaginary gender roles. And science got hijacked in such an absurd way that most of them claim with complete confidence now that gendersouls and magicalย sex transformations are 100% scientific.

Quote:some families and older folk lived together and had a nice little community going on.

I see the value in a strong community for sure, but I'm also grateful that I moved far from my family because I could then be GNC without their endless criticism and negativity. That might be more of a problem of misogyny than having any community in the first place, though. Despite all the talk of individualism, it's very obvious that people thrive in communities and involvement with society. That really seems to be the primary draw of it for a lot of conservatives and religious people, and even sexists - having clear shared values through which you can relate to others, navigate society and feel like you are contributing to a better tomorrow. Unfortunately this is always packaged with a heavy dose of supremacism, close-mindedness, dogma and appeals to tradition. Thinking outside the box is scary and isolating because it both forces you to admit to being confidently wrong for much of your life and also feels like giving you nothing workable as an alternative - you essentially end up feeling like you've just given up your entire credibility.

I definitely think one of big failings of liberalism is in the inability to provide a coherent moral compass and value system to people except endless brainless indignation based on nothing except who's got more oppression points. The only value they can get rabid over is that there practically are no values and we need to erode everyone's boundaries and pressure them to be fine with everything and never ever criticise anything because that's close minded (except some abstract idea of a cishet white middle-aged able-bodied rich 1% WASP Christian man that ofc would never include your Nigel or any man with more oppression points than that who are then immediately placed in the "harmless oppressed babies" category). This ofc then gets exploited by men who already are notorious for avoiding any responsibility and who just want enablers for their dysfunctional behaviour, and meanwhile women are pestered into becoming yes-women for them who are cool and down with anything men want, especially sexual exploitation and ignoring red flags.
Edited Dec 29 2024, 3:36 PM by YesYourNigel.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing
Dec 28 2024, 3:08 PM #3

It's unsurprising that conservatives clutch their pearls over people not being religious, but I do find the "failure to launch" aspect intriguing. It's difficult to have a nuanced conversation on the damage the internet does on youth's psyche without the conversation being dominated by boomers whining about "kids these days", and youth dismissing any criticism as being out of touch and hysterical, alongside blissfully unaware parents who worry about being "helicopter parents". I definitely think there's a general trend of young people being stuck in their heads far too early, though in some ways it's difficult to tell how bad that is compared to before. If you look at girls, feeling horrible in one's own body, avoiding physical activity, becoming meek and anxious, finding yourself suddenly severely limited in your life and freedoms as a result of being preyed on by men, these things have always been expected and even idolised by a patriarchal society that saddles female people with trauma.

Quote:some anti-trans people seem to be of the belief that a lack of religious upbringing and participation in the family's religion of choice is what caused these people to resort to transgenderism as people have some "innate" desire to have a religion (how do atheists exist then..?)

I find the majority of atheists still fill that void with irrational beliefs, except in many cases said beliefs don't even have a pretence of morality and just revolve around enabling men in being self-absorbed and hedonistic. The same group will still parrot crazy conspiracy theories and misogynistic evopsych except now it'll feed their "I'm so much smarter than all the other sheeple"-ego (despite parroting the same beliefs, but uhh it's scientific now, I guess?). Male atheists specifically don't give a damn about the deplorable moral dimensions of organised religion, they just think they're better because they feel no guilt over jerking off to porn or watching snuff videos or visiting prostitutes or being brainlessly offensive edgelords or whatever other stupid shit men have in place of a personality. It speaks to how skewed the priorities are when most male atheists I see really only concern themselves about skirting any responsibility and self-improvement because any kind of shame = bad (which plays into how liberalism is basically just a movement to enable male hedonism with 0 criticism).

And after all, we've seen from gendersouls that people will latch onto completely imaginary explanations that are completely unfounded in reality just so they could prop up equally imaginary gender roles. And science got hijacked in such an absurd way that most of them claim with complete confidence now that gendersouls and magicalย sex transformations are 100% scientific.

Quote:some families and older folk lived together and had a nice little community going on.

I see the value in a strong community for sure, but I'm also grateful that I moved far from my family because I could then be GNC without their endless criticism and negativity. That might be more of a problem of misogyny than having any community in the first place, though. Despite all the talk of individualism, it's very obvious that people thrive in communities and involvement with society. That really seems to be the primary draw of it for a lot of conservatives and religious people, and even sexists - having clear shared values through which you can relate to others, navigate society and feel like you are contributing to a better tomorrow. Unfortunately this is always packaged with a heavy dose of supremacism, close-mindedness, dogma and appeals to tradition. Thinking outside the box is scary and isolating because it both forces you to admit to being confidently wrong for much of your life and also feels like giving you nothing workable as an alternative - you essentially end up feeling like you've just given up your entire credibility.

I definitely think one of big failings of liberalism is in the inability to provide a coherent moral compass and value system to people except endless brainless indignation based on nothing except who's got more oppression points. The only value they can get rabid over is that there practically are no values and we need to erode everyone's boundaries and pressure them to be fine with everything and never ever criticise anything because that's close minded (except some abstract idea of a cishet white middle-aged able-bodied rich 1% WASP Christian man that ofc would never include your Nigel or any man with more oppression points than that who are then immediately placed in the "harmless oppressed babies" category). This ofc then gets exploited by men who already are notorious for avoiding any responsibility and who just want enablers for their dysfunctional behaviour, and meanwhile women are pestered into becoming yes-women for them who are cool and down with anything men want, especially sexual exploitation and ignoring red flags.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing

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