cloven hooves The Personal Is Political Institutional Sexism News Afghan Women's Rights Internal Issue, Says Taliban Ahead Of UN Talks

News Afghan Women's Rights Internal Issue, Says Taliban Ahead Of UN Talks

News Afghan Women's Rights Internal Issue, Says Taliban Ahead Of UN Talks

Kozlik's regular account 🐐🌼
Jun 30 2024, 12:49 PM
Times of India, June 29 2024.

Quote:The Taliban government has stated that issues concerning women's rights in Afghanistan are internal matters that they are working to address them. This statement comes as the United Nations prepares to hold engagement talks in Qatar, where the exclusion of Afghan women from the main meetings has sparked widespread criticism.

Here we witness a blatant example of women being viewed as "private property" by a right-wing patriarchal government. They claim how they treat women, female human beings, as "internal affairs", like people have no right to call out the atrocities committed against women, because the Taliban view women as nothing more than an object they can treat how they wish. To them, it is akin to someone criticizing how they treat a tea kettle.

This is the result of women being relegated to the "private sphere", where their concerns cannot be voiced to the public, to society at large. This is what right-wing politics gets women.
Edited Jun 30 2024, 12:51 PM by Daisy.

Kozlik's regular member account. 🐐🌼
Jun 30 2024, 12:49 PM #1

Times of India, June 29 2024.

Quote:The Taliban government has stated that issues concerning women's rights in Afghanistan are internal matters that they are working to address them. This statement comes as the United Nations prepares to hold engagement talks in Qatar, where the exclusion of Afghan women from the main meetings has sparked widespread criticism.

Here we witness a blatant example of women being viewed as "private property" by a right-wing patriarchal government. They claim how they treat women, female human beings, as "internal affairs", like people have no right to call out the atrocities committed against women, because the Taliban view women as nothing more than an object they can treat how they wish. To them, it is akin to someone criticizing how they treat a tea kettle.

This is the result of women being relegated to the "private sphere", where their concerns cannot be voiced to the public, to society at large. This is what right-wing politics gets women.

Kozlik's regular member account. 🐐🌼

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