cloven hooves The Personal Is Political Women are not Products Article College Men Try to Ban Porn from Campus WiFi, Saying 'Pornography is Prostitution'

Article College Men Try to Ban Porn from Campus WiFi, Saying 'Pornography is Prostitution'

Article College Men Try to Ban Porn from Campus WiFi, Saying 'Pornography is Prostitution'

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Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 26 2024, 2:05 PM
Newsweek, December 6 2018.

Quote:Eighty male students at Notre Dame University wrote an open letter in the school newspaper asking for a porn filter on the school's Wi-Fi.

"This filter would send the unequivocal message that pornography is an affront to human rights and catastrophic to individuals and relationships. We are calling for this action in order to stand up for the dignity of all people, especially women," the letter read. "The overwhelming majority of contemporary pornography is literally filmed violence against women — violence somehow rendered invisible by the context."

"Pornography is prostitution through the lens of a camera, but more abusive. It exploits the men and women involved, advances a twisted narrative about human sexuality and harms those who consume it."

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐
Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 26 2024, 2:05 PM #1

Newsweek, December 6 2018.

Quote:Eighty male students at Notre Dame University wrote an open letter in the school newspaper asking for a porn filter on the school's Wi-Fi.

"This filter would send the unequivocal message that pornography is an affront to human rights and catastrophic to individuals and relationships. We are calling for this action in order to stand up for the dignity of all people, especially women," the letter read. "The overwhelming majority of contemporary pornography is literally filmed violence against women — violence somehow rendered invisible by the context."

"Pornography is prostitution through the lens of a camera, but more abusive. It exploits the men and women involved, advances a twisted narrative about human sexuality and harms those who consume it."

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐

Dec 26 2024, 3:09 PM
Pardon my cynicism, but men bandying together to ban porn? What's the catch? My first thought is religious fundamentalists or r/nofap users. I just never see men do these things for the sake of women, it's always a part of some male supremacist scheme.

I also find the claim that porn is more abusive than prostitution itself odd. Is it because there's footage to blackmail the woman? At the same time, at least the men aren't going to literally murder the woman when surrounded by cameras like so many johns do.
Edited Dec 26 2024, 3:10 PM by YesYourNigel.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing
Dec 26 2024, 3:09 PM #2

Pardon my cynicism, but men bandying together to ban porn? What's the catch? My first thought is religious fundamentalists or r/nofap users. I just never see men do these things for the sake of women, it's always a part of some male supremacist scheme.

I also find the claim that porn is more abusive than prostitution itself odd. Is it because there's footage to blackmail the woman? At the same time, at least the men aren't going to literally murder the woman when surrounded by cameras like so many johns do.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing

Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 26 2024, 4:32 PM
Quote:Pardon my cynicism, but men bandying together to ban porn? What's the catch? My first thought is religious fundamentalists or r/nofap users.
Not wrong to be cynical of men's reasons to be anti-pornography. In this case, Notre Dame University is a Catholic school, so these men are probably operating under the Madonna-wh*re complex.

The women of Notre Dame sent a letter "supporting the men" in this cause, which can be read here: Women of ND response to men’s request for filter. I think the fact that the men are the ones "taking the reins" while the women merely "support the men" exemplifies the conservative gender-conformity on display in these campus politics.

Nevertheless I think the women's letter has good points:
Snippet from ‘Women of ND response to men’s request for filter’ Pornography propagates a mindset that people, especially women, are mere sex objects. Men often say they are capable of separating “real life” from pornography, and that it has no effect on how they see and treat “real women.” However, the reality is that the brain is flexible and plastic, and pornography trains men’s minds to look at women as tools — bodies to surfeit sexual desire and then be discarded. Pornography sucks the energy and will out of men to see and respect women comprehensively: mind, heart, body and soul. What we do affects how we think, how we feel and how we view others.
This might have been a "broken clock is right twice a day" scenario, but I'll take any anti-pornography resources/arguments I can find.
Edited Dec 26 2024, 4:32 PM by Clover.
Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 26 2024, 4:32 PM #3

Quote:Pardon my cynicism, but men bandying together to ban porn? What's the catch? My first thought is religious fundamentalists or r/nofap users.
Not wrong to be cynical of men's reasons to be anti-pornography. In this case, Notre Dame University is a Catholic school, so these men are probably operating under the Madonna-wh*re complex.

The women of Notre Dame sent a letter "supporting the men" in this cause, which can be read here: Women of ND response to men’s request for filter. I think the fact that the men are the ones "taking the reins" while the women merely "support the men" exemplifies the conservative gender-conformity on display in these campus politics.

Nevertheless I think the women's letter has good points:
Snippet from ‘Women of ND response to men’s request for filter’ Pornography propagates a mindset that people, especially women, are mere sex objects. Men often say they are capable of separating “real life” from pornography, and that it has no effect on how they see and treat “real women.” However, the reality is that the brain is flexible and plastic, and pornography trains men’s minds to look at women as tools — bodies to surfeit sexual desire and then be discarded. Pornography sucks the energy and will out of men to see and respect women comprehensively: mind, heart, body and soul. What we do affects how we think, how we feel and how we view others.
This might have been a "broken clock is right twice a day" scenario, but I'll take any anti-pornography resources/arguments I can find.

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Dec 26 2024, 10:22 PM
The claim about pornography being "more abusive" than prostitution is rather strange, but well, pornography *is* an affront to human rights. I'm sad to say I have mixed feelings about this having happened at a Catholic university, though, since even if it is actually being done with good intent, it's too easy to write off as religious weirdness.

(Dec 26 2024, 4:32 PM)Clover  I think the fact that the men are the ones "taking the reins" while the women merely "support the men" exemplifies the conservative gender-conformity on display in these campus politics.

In fairness, given that men are practically the sole consumers of pornography, there's an argument to be made that men ought to clean their own damn house for a change. But yeah, it's sad but not surprising that women at this university only wrote their own letter in support of the men, instead of writing a letter in support of their own rights. :(
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Dec 26 2024, 10:22 PM #4

The claim about pornography being "more abusive" than prostitution is rather strange, but well, pornography *is* an affront to human rights. I'm sad to say I have mixed feelings about this having happened at a Catholic university, though, since even if it is actually being done with good intent, it's too easy to write off as religious weirdness.

(Dec 26 2024, 4:32 PM)Clover  I think the fact that the men are the ones "taking the reins" while the women merely "support the men" exemplifies the conservative gender-conformity on display in these campus politics.

In fairness, given that men are practically the sole consumers of pornography, there's an argument to be made that men ought to clean their own damn house for a change. But yeah, it's sad but not surprising that women at this university only wrote their own letter in support of the men, instead of writing a letter in support of their own rights. :(

Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 27 2024, 8:12 PM
(Dec 26 2024, 10:22 PM)komorebi In fairness, given that men are practically the sole consumers of pornography, there's an argument to be made that men ought to clean their own damn house for a change.
Okay, very good point! Hadn't thought of it like that.

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐
Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 27 2024, 8:12 PM #5

(Dec 26 2024, 10:22 PM)komorebi In fairness, given that men are practically the sole consumers of pornography, there's an argument to be made that men ought to clean their own damn house for a change.
Okay, very good point! Hadn't thought of it like that.

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Dec 28 2024, 2:55 AM
(Dec 27 2024, 8:12 PM)Clover Okay, very good point! Hadn't thought of it like that.

XD Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should take a back seat and leave our liberation in the hands of men lmfao, 'cause that ain't happening. But I do think it's overall helpful for men to speak out about things like porn and prostitution. I get the argument that they might have other motives, and they probably do, but I don't feel that this is really analogous to right-wingers hijacking gendercrit and turning it into anti-trans. Maybe there's something really sinister that might come out of ending prostitution and the widespread use of pornography, but right now I'm seeing mostly pluses.
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Dec 28 2024, 2:55 AM #6

(Dec 27 2024, 8:12 PM)Clover Okay, very good point! Hadn't thought of it like that.

XD Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should take a back seat and leave our liberation in the hands of men lmfao, 'cause that ain't happening. But I do think it's overall helpful for men to speak out about things like porn and prostitution. I get the argument that they might have other motives, and they probably do, but I don't feel that this is really analogous to right-wingers hijacking gendercrit and turning it into anti-trans. Maybe there's something really sinister that might come out of ending prostitution and the widespread use of pornography, but right now I'm seeing mostly pluses.

Dec 28 2024, 8:04 PM
Sadly it's true that men's words matter a hundred times more than women's do. Men certainly dismiss other men with various kneejerk insults if they refuse to play the patriarchy game (cuck, beta, white knight, gay etc. etc.) but at least they stand a chance. Women speaking up against it is just "Duh". Men know that porn, patriarchal sex and patriarchal men are offputting to women due to the amounts of misogyny involved, so women expressing that sentiment, even if not in any ideological or openly feminist way (e.g. finding porn offputting, not wanting to have sex, feeling uncomfortable by "locker room talk" and misogynistic statements etc.) is just a given.

Women exist first and foremost as men's fantasies and not as actual living creatures, so men will always prioritise the preservation and authority over said fantasy over any reality concerning women's bodies and experiences. They will always listen to other men vs women.

Quote:Maybe there's something really sinister that might come out of ending prostitution and the widespread use of pornography, but right now I'm seeing mostly pluses.

My problem is how much this gets tied with purity culture and sl*t shaming. I'll give it to Christianity that it at least has nominally equal expectations of faithfulness (which is pretty exceptional in the grand scheme of things - most cultures demand monogamy only from women under threat of violence or murder), but still the focus tends to be exclusively on the woman being in the wrong for not preserving something sacred, and men are seen as being exploited by devious women using their sexual powers against men, sth sth original sin.

The letter at least shows empathy for the women involved, but with Christians I'm always weary of this being merely a PC way of wording traditionalist views. I will say that there's a subset of Christians who seem to be into Christianity for more empathic reasons, but they're usually women. Much as I deplore liberal feminism, a lot of its ideas are a reaction to very dysfunctional Christian ideas on sex and masturbation. Except liberals decided to brainlessly go in the complete opposite direction because that favoured dysfunctional horny men.

As an aside, I wish that the whole virginity thing got used to normalise nonpenetrative sex, but ofc it didn't. Much like how Muslim women need to cover up rather than shave their hair (because heaven forbid we ever make women ugly and unappealing, instead of into more of a "sinful fruit" sex object), all notions of sex still have to revolve around "the real thing".
Edited Dec 28 2024, 8:05 PM by YesYourNigel.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing
Dec 28 2024, 8:04 PM #7

Sadly it's true that men's words matter a hundred times more than women's do. Men certainly dismiss other men with various kneejerk insults if they refuse to play the patriarchy game (cuck, beta, white knight, gay etc. etc.) but at least they stand a chance. Women speaking up against it is just "Duh". Men know that porn, patriarchal sex and patriarchal men are offputting to women due to the amounts of misogyny involved, so women expressing that sentiment, even if not in any ideological or openly feminist way (e.g. finding porn offputting, not wanting to have sex, feeling uncomfortable by "locker room talk" and misogynistic statements etc.) is just a given.

Women exist first and foremost as men's fantasies and not as actual living creatures, so men will always prioritise the preservation and authority over said fantasy over any reality concerning women's bodies and experiences. They will always listen to other men vs women.

Quote:Maybe there's something really sinister that might come out of ending prostitution and the widespread use of pornography, but right now I'm seeing mostly pluses.

My problem is how much this gets tied with purity culture and sl*t shaming. I'll give it to Christianity that it at least has nominally equal expectations of faithfulness (which is pretty exceptional in the grand scheme of things - most cultures demand monogamy only from women under threat of violence or murder), but still the focus tends to be exclusively on the woman being in the wrong for not preserving something sacred, and men are seen as being exploited by devious women using their sexual powers against men, sth sth original sin.

The letter at least shows empathy for the women involved, but with Christians I'm always weary of this being merely a PC way of wording traditionalist views. I will say that there's a subset of Christians who seem to be into Christianity for more empathic reasons, but they're usually women. Much as I deplore liberal feminism, a lot of its ideas are a reaction to very dysfunctional Christian ideas on sex and masturbation. Except liberals decided to brainlessly go in the complete opposite direction because that favoured dysfunctional horny men.

As an aside, I wish that the whole virginity thing got used to normalise nonpenetrative sex, but ofc it didn't. Much like how Muslim women need to cover up rather than shave their hair (because heaven forbid we ever make women ugly and unappealing, instead of into more of a "sinful fruit" sex object), all notions of sex still have to revolve around "the real thing".

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing

Dec 29 2024, 1:56 AM
Cynicism aside - and I don’t disagree with being suspicious of the men’s motives here - might it not be good to establish that porn is a thing that can and should be banned from public institutions?
Could it, I’m saying, help shift the discussion and encourage porn filters in other educational institutions and workplaces?
Dec 29 2024, 1:56 AM #8

Cynicism aside - and I don’t disagree with being suspicious of the men’s motives here - might it not be good to establish that porn is a thing that can and should be banned from public institutions?
Could it, I’m saying, help shift the discussion and encourage porn filters in other educational institutions and workplaces?

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Dec 29 2024, 2:29 AM
(Dec 28 2024, 8:04 PM)YesYourNigel My problem is how much this gets tied with purity culture and sl*t shaming. I'll give it to Christianity that it at least has nominally equal expectations of faithfulness (which is pretty exceptional in the grand scheme of things - most cultures demand monogamy only from women under threat of violence or murder), but still the focus tends to be exclusively on the woman being in the wrong for not preserving something sacred, and men are seen as being exploited by devious women using their sexual powers against men, sth sth original sin.

The letter at least shows empathy for the women involved, but with Christians I'm always weary of this being merely a PC way of wording traditionalist views. I will say that there's a subset of Christians who seem to be into Christianity for more empathic reasons, but they're usually women. Much as I deplore liberal feminism, a lot of its ideas are a reaction to very dysfunctional Christian ideas on sex and masturbation. Except liberals decided to brainlessly go in the complete opposite direction because that favoured dysfunctional horny men.

Sure, I agree with you, the Madonna-wh*re dichotomy is bad, and men who think that way will have other regressive views about women. That being said, if these dudes had actually managed to get porn filtered on their school wifi, without also, say, also imposing other behavioral requirements on women (such as modest dress or not speaking up in public or whatever), then I'd count that as a win.
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde
Dec 29 2024, 2:29 AM #9

(Dec 28 2024, 8:04 PM)YesYourNigel My problem is how much this gets tied with purity culture and sl*t shaming. I'll give it to Christianity that it at least has nominally equal expectations of faithfulness (which is pretty exceptional in the grand scheme of things - most cultures demand monogamy only from women under threat of violence or murder), but still the focus tends to be exclusively on the woman being in the wrong for not preserving something sacred, and men are seen as being exploited by devious women using their sexual powers against men, sth sth original sin.

The letter at least shows empathy for the women involved, but with Christians I'm always weary of this being merely a PC way of wording traditionalist views. I will say that there's a subset of Christians who seem to be into Christianity for more empathic reasons, but they're usually women. Much as I deplore liberal feminism, a lot of its ideas are a reaction to very dysfunctional Christian ideas on sex and masturbation. Except liberals decided to brainlessly go in the complete opposite direction because that favoured dysfunctional horny men.

Sure, I agree with you, the Madonna-wh*re dichotomy is bad, and men who think that way will have other regressive views about women. That being said, if these dudes had actually managed to get porn filtered on their school wifi, without also, say, also imposing other behavioral requirements on women (such as modest dress or not speaking up in public or whatever), then I'd count that as a win.

Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 29 2024, 3:52 PM
(Dec 28 2024, 8:04 PM)YesYourNigel Sadly it's true that men's words matter a hundred times more than women's do. Men certainly dismiss other men with various kneejerk insults if they refuse to play the patriarchy game (cuck, beta, white knight, gay etc. etc.) but at least they stand a chance. Women speaking up against it is just "Duh". Men know that porn, patriarchal sex and patriarchal men are offputting to women due to the amounts of misogyny involved, so women expressing that sentiment, even if not in any ideological or openly feminist way (e.g. finding porn offputting, not wanting to have sex, feeling uncomfortable by "locker room talk" and misogynistic statements etc.) is just a given.

Women exist first and foremost as men's fantasies and not as actual living creatures, so men will always prioritise the preservation and authority over said fantasy over any reality concerning women's bodies and experiences. They will always listen to other men vs women.
Yep. A good example would be how long 2nd wave feminists and onwards have been protesting/criticizing pornography and prostitution (anti-prostitution feminist sentiments going back even further to the 1st wave iirc) with just a laugh and a handwave from mainstream society. But now when Terry Crews talks about being anti-pornography, well now it's something that matters. (Don't get me started on men suddenly deriding porn because of their own PIED [porn-induced erectile dysfunction] and weird "nofap" subreddits which show how pornsick men are that they can't separate pornography from masturbation.)

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐
Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Dec 29 2024, 3:52 PM #10

(Dec 28 2024, 8:04 PM)YesYourNigel Sadly it's true that men's words matter a hundred times more than women's do. Men certainly dismiss other men with various kneejerk insults if they refuse to play the patriarchy game (cuck, beta, white knight, gay etc. etc.) but at least they stand a chance. Women speaking up against it is just "Duh". Men know that porn, patriarchal sex and patriarchal men are offputting to women due to the amounts of misogyny involved, so women expressing that sentiment, even if not in any ideological or openly feminist way (e.g. finding porn offputting, not wanting to have sex, feeling uncomfortable by "locker room talk" and misogynistic statements etc.) is just a given.

Women exist first and foremost as men's fantasies and not as actual living creatures, so men will always prioritise the preservation and authority over said fantasy over any reality concerning women's bodies and experiences. They will always listen to other men vs women.
Yep. A good example would be how long 2nd wave feminists and onwards have been protesting/criticizing pornography and prostitution (anti-prostitution feminist sentiments going back even further to the 1st wave iirc) with just a laugh and a handwave from mainstream society. But now when Terry Crews talks about being anti-pornography, well now it's something that matters. (Don't get me started on men suddenly deriding porn because of their own PIED [porn-induced erectile dysfunction] and weird "nofap" subreddits which show how pornsick men are that they can't separate pornography from masturbation.)

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐

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