Ovarit rn:
Ovarit rn:
Trump rolling back women's rights, abortion still illegal, open misogynistic statements from men in power, extremism and bigotry on the rise
Ovarit: They didn't make us do a pronoun circle at my club today! WE ARE WINNING!
I was just ranting about this to my partner this morning. Like, wow, shocking, "libtards" are still going to exist after Trump got elected, transgender identifying people are still going to exist after Trump got elected. They are still going to make their demands, there are still going to be stupid things like pronoun circles. Wow, shocking, that electing Trump and his cronies can't just magically do away with that. And I think it's so ridiculous that there are now so many attacks for the new administration on women's rights and the dismantlement of systems and institutions that normally help underprivileged women get equity, that I assume are not getting attention, because the few times I bothered to check in on Ovarit lately they were still hyperfocused on "TRANS TRANS TRANS" as if there aren't maybe more pressing issues right now, especially since the misogynistic president that has been elected has already made it a point to actively discourage transgenderism. And yet it's interesting how they don't change focus to something other than railing on how trans is stupid and bad. It's so dumb.
These Ovarit dumbasses don't understand that all this conservative bigotry and sexism only makes people want to transition more - especially traumatised girls and gay people who are sold the fantasy that they can disappear and meld into the crowds perfectly without anyone knowing what they are. Now that the concept of transitioning has gone mainstream, it's never going to go back in the bottle again, and even worse gender roles are only going to make it a more appealing prospect.
I guess the autogynephiles might just keep jerking themselves off in the comfort of their dark basements, but frankly they feel like porn bots more than human beings so I'm not gonna cry if they die because of vitamin D deficiency from never leaving the house. Men who made themselves stupid with their porn-deformed dicks would make the world a better place if they were gone. Even so, I don't want people randomly getting beaten or harassed, and I esp don't want that just because they're dressing femininely, which for testerical conservative men is anything from drag queen to just painting your nails. Let's not even pretend that this conservative pushback isn't based in traditional gender roles and homophobia - only women should be sex objects, not men!
And your average TIF who dreams of living in public without her body being treated like a sex doll and without having to deal with belittling and creepy comments from her male coworkers, without the constant weight of stereotype threat? Much as I absolutely hate how these jackasses throw the rest of us under the bus for male approval, I don't want them to suffer and live in this fear and self-hatred every moment of their lives because of the fact they're female.
I do wish these people got help and I think therapy as it is is an inadequate way of dealing with their (not surprising) problems rooted in a patriarchal existence. It's too bad that we can't talk about that though because GC has become positively infected with conservatives who don't care about addressing any issues, but only about lashing out at whatever group of subhumans they've decided is the designated punching bag for the day.