Article ‘Sex work is real work’ ideology sells out African women
Article ‘Sex work is real work’ ideology sells out African women
“… But when you look at the experiences of African women, including in the diaspora communities and amongst migrant women, their experiences tell us a very different story and that this move from criminalisation to full decriminalisation does not address the fundamental causes and drivers of prostitution, which is a form of sexual exploitation.
It doesn’t help us to get into discussions around vulnerabilities within our communities arising from poverty and very limited choices to make a living and how traffickers and sex buyers are taking advantage of that.
It doesn’t get to the story of generational prostitution and sexual exploitation resulting from poverty and caste-based systems, discrimination and marginalisation over years, that sees generations of women and their daughters and their granddaughters being exploited in the sex trade.
It doesn’t tell us about the experiences of young women and girls who are coerced and sold to tourists and travellers in Africa’s tourist destinations. If you look at the levels of sexual exploitation and prostitution in the tourism industries in countries like Kenya and the Gambia, it’s atrocious and on a scale that is totally unacceptable.
It doesn’t tell us about how women and girls are trafficked out of their countries to meet the demand that is being generated by men in the West and other regions. It doesn’t tell us about university students being pushed into transactional sex with ‘sugar daddies’ because they cannot pay their university fees or lecturers who are sexually exploiting their students for sex to give them good grades.”
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