clovenhooves The Personal Is Political Beauty Culture Flipping Beauty the Bird

Flipping Beauty the Bird

Flipping Beauty the Bird

Dec 26 2024, 8:39 PM

Quote:In the latter half of December 2021, I put down the razor for the final time. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off. The sensation of my hairless legs felt strange against the pants I wore to bed that night.

The hair grew back. It always did. That just meant you had to get rid of it again the next time you took a shower. This was only a fact of life as a post-pubertal girl or a grown woman.

But when that next time came, I decided not to pick the razor up. It was exactly for that reason. Well, it’s just going to grow back anyway. What’s the point?

It took years for me to reach that conclusion. I’d been taught since the fifth grade that shaving away all of your body hair, save for your eyebrows and scalp, was just hygienic. As a kid starting to go through puberty, of course I was much more conscious of my hygiene, so I went along with it.

Going along with it soon turned into it becoming part of my routine. It became something as mundane as using shampoo and conditioner. I’d start with armpit hair, then leg hair, though I’d sometimes leave my legs untouched in the winter. It would just be covered by pants anyway. I thought the happy trail on my stomach was weird, so that had to go as well.

Nobody ever explicitly told me that I had to shave my forearm hair, so I usually didn’t. I tried shaving my pubic hair several times, but it was too dense and coarse, and much of it was too hard to reach. I gave up on that after a while - it wasn’t like anyone was ever going to see it, at least not for a very long time. I figured I’d just get a wax before that happened.

Injuries were occasional. I nicked myself a couple of times, and I recall getting “fish gills” on my thumb after accidentally running my finger the wrong way when clearing hair from the blade.

By late 2021, I was a 16 year old, and things were changing fast in my life. During this time was my introduction to radical feminism, via an Instagram meme account and a Reddit discussion board. I had not yet reached the “peak trans” stage of my exposure to feminism, but I’d found that particular Reddit board in December 2021 and learned about beauty culture from it.

It helped dispel what I had been taught about shaving, and beauty as a whole. Ridding myself of body hair every few days was such an ingrained ritual that I didn’t think about it all that much, but posts on that board opened my mind to a new line of thinking.

Well, if it’s unhygienic for a woman to have body hair, why isn’t it unhygienic for a man to have it? There’s not that much of a difference, is there?

Men do shave, yes - mostly their beards and mustaches. But are they, by and large, taught that it’s unhygienic to have facial hair? Do they go out of their way to shave the hair under their arms, on their legs, around their groins? In fact, many religions, such as Sikhism, even decree that men must grow out their hair, including their beards.

So, the next time I went to shower after reading through that board, I refused to pick up the razor. A couple of weeks later, I was sitting in a hot tub in Hawaii on New Years Eve, nervous about the armpit hair that had grown back and would be visible had it not been nighttime.

I didn’t give in to the pressure from my mom once she realized that I hadn’t shaved in a while. In fact, learning about the feminist criticism of beauty culture had also turned me off from makeup, though I was not an avid user of it anyway.

In regards to makeup, the most I’d ever used on a day-to-day basis was a bit of concealer in a bid to cover up acne, and only while I was in middle school. Of course, more would be applied on a special occasion, a bit of blush and mascara for family photos, or my eighth grade promotion.

Fun fact: at the time of my eighth grade promotion, I’d recently gotten new glasses, but didn’t wear them because I didn’t want to mess up the makeup that had been applied.

The death knell for makeup came in August 2022, when I had my high school senior portraits taken. I was under the impression that it would just be a matter of concealer, a bit of mascara, and not much else, so I went along with it as not to make a fuss.

Instead, my mom enlisted the help of a family friend to do my makeup and hair, and she went all out. I didn’t even recognize myself by the time she was done, and later that night, I cried as I tried to scrub it all off in the shower.

I still feel sad when I look at that portrait in the yearbook. She isn’t me. She bears some resemblance to me, but she just isn’t.

My mom tried to broach the topic of makeup again in November 2022, when we did family photos with my visiting grandmother. This time, I was firm in my refusal of it, no matter how much of a fuss she made. Guess what? The photos turned out fine. Any stray acne can be brushed away in two seconds with Photoshop, it turns out.

Maybe she learned something from that, because she didn’t push the issue on me for my high school graduation six months later. I attended both the ceremony and the party with my relatives with my true face, having not even used hair products either.

It took some time for me to become comfortable with wearing shorts in public, and that came in summer 2023. At that point, I hadn’t shaved in a year and a half. Nobody noticed, or cared enough to say anything if they did.

And, after a while, I realized that I should also reject beauty culture on the basis of being a role model not just for girls, but also for other women.

Beauty culture pushes women and girls to shave their body hair and wear makeup, but it is also an ever-changing set of standards designed to keep us on our toes. In the 2000s, skinny was the thing. Women and girls were starving themselves to obtain skinny bodies, and plucking their eyebrows to make them thinner.

Then the 2010s rolled around, and curvy, hourglass figures were in. Women who were not well-endowed in curvature went to get BBLs and breast implants. Thick brows and full lips were trendy at this time.

When COVID-19 kept everyone home, many women put the makeup away, since they weren’t going out nearly as often. Some who believed that they were “doing it for themselves” felt the pressure lift, and realized that they never actually did it for their own good. Of course, this meant that beauty corporations weren’t turning nearly as much of a profit, and in their panicked attempts to regain their customer base, they turned to “‘no makeup’ makeup”.

This trend attempts to replicate the look of a bare face - or at least, a face barren of inconvenient pores and scars. At that point, why not just go around without any makeup at all? (But then how would the poor CEOs afford their third yacht?)

This constant change of beauty standards is patriarchy and capitalism smashed together. Again, it is designed to keep women on their toes. Suddenly, times change, and the skinny girl is no longer in fashion. She must spend her money to switch to the newest trend.

Those beauty corporations will also sell you the solution to problems that they create. Makeup clogs pores, leading to acne. It’s no coincidence that, for example, Estée Lauder is the parent company that owns Mac (and other makeup brands), as well as the skincare brand Clinique.

It’s not just that. Makeup has also been found to contain asbestos, as well as microplastics.

In an attempt to feel as though they have control, many women will insist that going along with these beauty standards is just their own choice. This has coincided with the rise of liberal feminism, an ineffective form of feminism which seeks to work within current patriarchal structures rather than reshape them.

However, radical feminists acknowledge that many women’s choices are made in the context of the patriarchal society we live in. After all, how much of a choice do you really have if you may not be hired for not wearing makeup? How much of a choice do you have if people look at you with disgust because you forgot to shave? It is a hungry person’s choice to shoplift food, yes, but that ignores the fact that she is hungry to begin with.

You do not need to run from your body because society does not like it. It is not a thing that needs to be tweaked to make yourself more desirable, or to make men take you seriously in the workplace.

Instead, be the change you wish to see. Teach the girls that they don’t need to rid themselves of their body hair, or spend their mornings applying makeup, to be pretty. Be a role model for them, and your fellow women, to teach them that there is nothing wrong with existing as you are.
Edited Feb 8 2025, 11:19 PM by Kozlik. Edit Reason: Fixing text color readability issue for dark mode
Iota Aurigae
Dec 26 2024, 8:39 PM #1

Quote:In the latter half of December 2021, I put down the razor for the final time. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off. The sensation of my hairless legs felt strange against the pants I wore to bed that night.

The hair grew back. It always did. That just meant you had to get rid of it again the next time you took a shower. This was only a fact of life as a post-pubertal girl or a grown woman.

But when that next time came, I decided not to pick the razor up. It was exactly for that reason. Well, it’s just going to grow back anyway. What’s the point?

It took years for me to reach that conclusion. I’d been taught since the fifth grade that shaving away all of your body hair, save for your eyebrows and scalp, was just hygienic. As a kid starting to go through puberty, of course I was much more conscious of my hygiene, so I went along with it.

Going along with it soon turned into it becoming part of my routine. It became something as mundane as using shampoo and conditioner. I’d start with armpit hair, then leg hair, though I’d sometimes leave my legs untouched in the winter. It would just be covered by pants anyway. I thought the happy trail on my stomach was weird, so that had to go as well.

Nobody ever explicitly told me that I had to shave my forearm hair, so I usually didn’t. I tried shaving my pubic hair several times, but it was too dense and coarse, and much of it was too hard to reach. I gave up on that after a while - it wasn’t like anyone was ever going to see it, at least not for a very long time. I figured I’d just get a wax before that happened.

Injuries were occasional. I nicked myself a couple of times, and I recall getting “fish gills” on my thumb after accidentally running my finger the wrong way when clearing hair from the blade.

By late 2021, I was a 16 year old, and things were changing fast in my life. During this time was my introduction to radical feminism, via an Instagram meme account and a Reddit discussion board. I had not yet reached the “peak trans” stage of my exposure to feminism, but I’d found that particular Reddit board in December 2021 and learned about beauty culture from it.

It helped dispel what I had been taught about shaving, and beauty as a whole. Ridding myself of body hair every few days was such an ingrained ritual that I didn’t think about it all that much, but posts on that board opened my mind to a new line of thinking.

Well, if it’s unhygienic for a woman to have body hair, why isn’t it unhygienic for a man to have it? There’s not that much of a difference, is there?

Men do shave, yes - mostly their beards and mustaches. But are they, by and large, taught that it’s unhygienic to have facial hair? Do they go out of their way to shave the hair under their arms, on their legs, around their groins? In fact, many religions, such as Sikhism, even decree that men must grow out their hair, including their beards.

So, the next time I went to shower after reading through that board, I refused to pick up the razor. A couple of weeks later, I was sitting in a hot tub in Hawaii on New Years Eve, nervous about the armpit hair that had grown back and would be visible had it not been nighttime.

I didn’t give in to the pressure from my mom once she realized that I hadn’t shaved in a while. In fact, learning about the feminist criticism of beauty culture had also turned me off from makeup, though I was not an avid user of it anyway.

In regards to makeup, the most I’d ever used on a day-to-day basis was a bit of concealer in a bid to cover up acne, and only while I was in middle school. Of course, more would be applied on a special occasion, a bit of blush and mascara for family photos, or my eighth grade promotion.

Fun fact: at the time of my eighth grade promotion, I’d recently gotten new glasses, but didn’t wear them because I didn’t want to mess up the makeup that had been applied.

The death knell for makeup came in August 2022, when I had my high school senior portraits taken. I was under the impression that it would just be a matter of concealer, a bit of mascara, and not much else, so I went along with it as not to make a fuss.

Instead, my mom enlisted the help of a family friend to do my makeup and hair, and she went all out. I didn’t even recognize myself by the time she was done, and later that night, I cried as I tried to scrub it all off in the shower.

I still feel sad when I look at that portrait in the yearbook. She isn’t me. She bears some resemblance to me, but she just isn’t.

My mom tried to broach the topic of makeup again in November 2022, when we did family photos with my visiting grandmother. This time, I was firm in my refusal of it, no matter how much of a fuss she made. Guess what? The photos turned out fine. Any stray acne can be brushed away in two seconds with Photoshop, it turns out.

Maybe she learned something from that, because she didn’t push the issue on me for my high school graduation six months later. I attended both the ceremony and the party with my relatives with my true face, having not even used hair products either.

It took some time for me to become comfortable with wearing shorts in public, and that came in summer 2023. At that point, I hadn’t shaved in a year and a half. Nobody noticed, or cared enough to say anything if they did.

And, after a while, I realized that I should also reject beauty culture on the basis of being a role model not just for girls, but also for other women.

Beauty culture pushes women and girls to shave their body hair and wear makeup, but it is also an ever-changing set of standards designed to keep us on our toes. In the 2000s, skinny was the thing. Women and girls were starving themselves to obtain skinny bodies, and plucking their eyebrows to make them thinner.

Then the 2010s rolled around, and curvy, hourglass figures were in. Women who were not well-endowed in curvature went to get BBLs and breast implants. Thick brows and full lips were trendy at this time.

When COVID-19 kept everyone home, many women put the makeup away, since they weren’t going out nearly as often. Some who believed that they were “doing it for themselves” felt the pressure lift, and realized that they never actually did it for their own good. Of course, this meant that beauty corporations weren’t turning nearly as much of a profit, and in their panicked attempts to regain their customer base, they turned to “‘no makeup’ makeup”.

This trend attempts to replicate the look of a bare face - or at least, a face barren of inconvenient pores and scars. At that point, why not just go around without any makeup at all? (But then how would the poor CEOs afford their third yacht?)

This constant change of beauty standards is patriarchy and capitalism smashed together. Again, it is designed to keep women on their toes. Suddenly, times change, and the skinny girl is no longer in fashion. She must spend her money to switch to the newest trend.

Those beauty corporations will also sell you the solution to problems that they create. Makeup clogs pores, leading to acne. It’s no coincidence that, for example, Estée Lauder is the parent company that owns Mac (and other makeup brands), as well as the skincare brand Clinique.

It’s not just that. Makeup has also been found to contain asbestos, as well as microplastics.

In an attempt to feel as though they have control, many women will insist that going along with these beauty standards is just their own choice. This has coincided with the rise of liberal feminism, an ineffective form of feminism which seeks to work within current patriarchal structures rather than reshape them.

However, radical feminists acknowledge that many women’s choices are made in the context of the patriarchal society we live in. After all, how much of a choice do you really have if you may not be hired for not wearing makeup? How much of a choice do you have if people look at you with disgust because you forgot to shave? It is a hungry person’s choice to shoplift food, yes, but that ignores the fact that she is hungry to begin with.

You do not need to run from your body because society does not like it. It is not a thing that needs to be tweaked to make yourself more desirable, or to make men take you seriously in the workplace.

Instead, be the change you wish to see. Teach the girls that they don’t need to rid themselves of their body hair, or spend their mornings applying makeup, to be pretty. Be a role model for them, and your fellow women, to teach them that there is nothing wrong with existing as you are.

Dec 27 2024, 5:00 PM
Quote:Instead, my mom enlisted the help of a family friend to do my makeup and hair, and she went all out. I didn’t even recognize myself by the time she was done, and later that night, I cried as I tried to scrub it all off in the shower.

Man, the only thing I could think of for this is how libfems would say "omg sounds like u have a boysoul! Have you ever considered you're twans?"

Quote:I still feel sad when I look at that portrait in the yearbook. She isn’t me. She bears some resemblance to me, but she just isn’t.

That's the creepy thing, isn't it? It's not about the woman, it's about how closely she can match this fictionalised idea of THE woman. It's so fictional that you need copious amounts of makeup, styling and even surgeries to even come close.

Quote:This constant change of beauty standards is patriarchy and capitalism smashed together.

It's surreal to see classical paintings or even art from a century ago and see women who look...relatively normal? And don't even shave. And then look at our society where women are no longer property, they can have jobs, they can vote, they're not locked up in houses etc. and yet the way they're depicted feels more at odds with reality and more incel-wet-dream-based than it's ever been. The commercial image of a woman, THE woman, is so artificial and unachievable that women are developing mental illnesses and reaching for fucking surgeries en masse, as well as spending every waking moment under layers upon layers of paint and chemicals. It's absolutely deranged. Even skin isn't allowed to look like skin anymore and has to look like rubber. I imagine it's precisely because women have more rights that more effort is exerted to compensate for it, along with technologies making people more and more stuck in la-la land.

It's mighty convenient that every woman chooses to do the exact same thing that women have been forced into for centuries and, conveniently, that they have horrible fears and self-confidence issues to the point of developing mental illnesses and suffering actual negative societal consequences over it. But even beyond that, how is it possible that every single woman reinvented the exact identical feminine beauty standards for herself over and over again, complete with associated terror and insecurities over not achieving said beauty standard? What is the explanation for this? Because "I'm such a unique snowflake that I did it all by myself" would be a positively astronomical coincidence that simply doesn't fly. Libfems will paradoxically scoff at the notion that women evolved to be feminine while pretending like there's simply no explanation necessary for like 90% of women being this way. Not that evopsych is convincing - women couldn't have possibly evolved to shave, wear heels, makeup or long hair or require Photoshop filters just to look at themselves, things that are by no means universal nor even existed throughout human history. So what's the explanation, libfems?
Edited Dec 27 2024, 5:01 PM by YesYourNigel.

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing
Dec 27 2024, 5:00 PM #2

Quote:Instead, my mom enlisted the help of a family friend to do my makeup and hair, and she went all out. I didn’t even recognize myself by the time she was done, and later that night, I cried as I tried to scrub it all off in the shower.

Man, the only thing I could think of for this is how libfems would say "omg sounds like u have a boysoul! Have you ever considered you're twans?"

Quote:I still feel sad when I look at that portrait in the yearbook. She isn’t me. She bears some resemblance to me, but she just isn’t.

That's the creepy thing, isn't it? It's not about the woman, it's about how closely she can match this fictionalised idea of THE woman. It's so fictional that you need copious amounts of makeup, styling and even surgeries to even come close.

Quote:This constant change of beauty standards is patriarchy and capitalism smashed together.

It's surreal to see classical paintings or even art from a century ago and see women who look...relatively normal? And don't even shave. And then look at our society where women are no longer property, they can have jobs, they can vote, they're not locked up in houses etc. and yet the way they're depicted feels more at odds with reality and more incel-wet-dream-based than it's ever been. The commercial image of a woman, THE woman, is so artificial and unachievable that women are developing mental illnesses and reaching for fucking surgeries en masse, as well as spending every waking moment under layers upon layers of paint and chemicals. It's absolutely deranged. Even skin isn't allowed to look like skin anymore and has to look like rubber. I imagine it's precisely because women have more rights that more effort is exerted to compensate for it, along with technologies making people more and more stuck in la-la land.

It's mighty convenient that every woman chooses to do the exact same thing that women have been forced into for centuries and, conveniently, that they have horrible fears and self-confidence issues to the point of developing mental illnesses and suffering actual negative societal consequences over it. But even beyond that, how is it possible that every single woman reinvented the exact identical feminine beauty standards for herself over and over again, complete with associated terror and insecurities over not achieving said beauty standard? What is the explanation for this? Because "I'm such a unique snowflake that I did it all by myself" would be a positively astronomical coincidence that simply doesn't fly. Libfems will paradoxically scoff at the notion that women evolved to be feminine while pretending like there's simply no explanation necessary for like 90% of women being this way. Not that evopsych is convincing - women couldn't have possibly evolved to shave, wear heels, makeup or long hair or require Photoshop filters just to look at themselves, things that are by no means universal nor even existed throughout human history. So what's the explanation, libfems?

I refuse to debate two obvious facts: 1. the patriarchy exists 2. and that's a bad thing

Feb 8 2025, 7:15 PM
Quote:Those beauty corporations will also sell you the solution to problems that they create. Makeup clogs pores, leading to acne. It’s no coincidence that, for example, Estée Lauder is the parent company that owns Mac (and other makeup brands), as well as the skincare brand Clinique.

I wonder how many of these "create the problem and sell the solution" issues the beauty industry actually creates. My mother told me never to shave my legs because she used to have thin, barely noticeable leg hairs (same as I do now) but then she shaved them *once* and they grew back in big, black and noticeable, which she hated, so she felt like she had to keep shaving her legs constantly from then on. I don't know how accurate her story is, but since I share half of her genetics I figured I'd follow her advice. So far my leg hairs haven't changed from the way they've always been.

Also, I can relate to the depiction in this story of feeling like you don't look like yourself with makeup on. When I was little I had dance recitals where I had to wear heavy makeup and I always thought it made me look like an alien...
Feb 8 2025, 7:15 PM #3

Quote:Those beauty corporations will also sell you the solution to problems that they create. Makeup clogs pores, leading to acne. It’s no coincidence that, for example, Estée Lauder is the parent company that owns Mac (and other makeup brands), as well as the skincare brand Clinique.

I wonder how many of these "create the problem and sell the solution" issues the beauty industry actually creates. My mother told me never to shave my legs because she used to have thin, barely noticeable leg hairs (same as I do now) but then she shaved them *once* and they grew back in big, black and noticeable, which she hated, so she felt like she had to keep shaving her legs constantly from then on. I don't know how accurate her story is, but since I share half of her genetics I figured I'd follow her advice. So far my leg hairs haven't changed from the way they've always been.

Also, I can relate to the depiction in this story of feeling like you don't look like yourself with makeup on. When I was little I had dance recitals where I had to wear heavy makeup and I always thought it made me look like an alien...

Feb 8 2025, 10:20 PM
I'm so sorry your mother was the one who enforced feminine beauty standards onto you too, OP. Of course the ultimate blame and cause for it all lies with the men who made and uphold it, and of course mothers who do this are also suffering for following it, but it's a special kind of depressing when the last-and-only line of defense possible for you also fails you. And fails you when you're a child, meaning you both don't and can't know any better, and you've been raised to follow whatever your parents say. (It's honestly something I wish was talked about more in beauty-culture-critical/radfem spaces.)

Good for you for not only snapping out of the routine but standing up for yourself when people tried to get you back into it! That takes a lot of courage and integrity, something we need to be supporting and modeling for other women and especially girls.

(Dec 26 2024, 8:39 PM)Iota Aurigae
Quote:I still feel sad when I look at that portrait in the yearbook. She isn’t me. She bears some resemblance to me, but she just isn’t.

Yes this is the exact feeling I get when I see myself in makeup!! "That's not me." (And "this stuff takes way too long to put on and feels awful to have on my face all day" too haha.) How sad that it's so common for women to feel this way about something they're expected to do before being allowed to go outside, and how disturbing and depressing that we encourage women and girls to do this to the point they prefer a fake face to their own.

(Feb 8 2025, 7:15 PM)Yozakura My mother told me never to shave my legs because she used to have thin, barely noticeable leg hairs (same as I do now) but then she shaved them *once* and they grew back in big, black and noticeable, which she hated, so she felt like she had to keep shaving her legs constantly from then on. I don't know how accurate her story is, but since I share half of her genetics I figured I'd follow her advice. So far my leg hairs haven't changed from the way they've always been.

Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not sure how accurate this is, but the fact that our body hair that only grows in during puberty is noticeably darker and thicker than our body hair that's there from the start, I wonder if this is actually true. If our original body hair really is lighter and thinner because the hormone-induced effects on our hair during puberty hasn't kicked in yet, and once it does it affects all your hair follicles, but we didn't know until now because now we pressure women to shave off our initial hair en masse.

I do know that when shaved hair first grows back it only appears darker/thicker because it was cut at an angle (so more surface area shows, from above a / looks like a - while a | looks like a . ) but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was darker and thicker after fully growing out because of the above. Anecdotal experience but I can say I remember my body hair was thinner and lighter, even brown, before I shaved it (thanks, mom) and now it's black and thicker. Not that much thicker, but enough to be noticeable.
Edited Feb 8 2025, 10:22 PM by Shroom.
Feb 8 2025, 10:20 PM #4

I'm so sorry your mother was the one who enforced feminine beauty standards onto you too, OP. Of course the ultimate blame and cause for it all lies with the men who made and uphold it, and of course mothers who do this are also suffering for following it, but it's a special kind of depressing when the last-and-only line of defense possible for you also fails you. And fails you when you're a child, meaning you both don't and can't know any better, and you've been raised to follow whatever your parents say. (It's honestly something I wish was talked about more in beauty-culture-critical/radfem spaces.)

Good for you for not only snapping out of the routine but standing up for yourself when people tried to get you back into it! That takes a lot of courage and integrity, something we need to be supporting and modeling for other women and especially girls.

(Dec 26 2024, 8:39 PM)Iota Aurigae
Quote:I still feel sad when I look at that portrait in the yearbook. She isn’t me. She bears some resemblance to me, but she just isn’t.

Yes this is the exact feeling I get when I see myself in makeup!! "That's not me." (And "this stuff takes way too long to put on and feels awful to have on my face all day" too haha.) How sad that it's so common for women to feel this way about something they're expected to do before being allowed to go outside, and how disturbing and depressing that we encourage women and girls to do this to the point they prefer a fake face to their own.

(Feb 8 2025, 7:15 PM)Yozakura My mother told me never to shave my legs because she used to have thin, barely noticeable leg hairs (same as I do now) but then she shaved them *once* and they grew back in big, black and noticeable, which she hated, so she felt like she had to keep shaving her legs constantly from then on. I don't know how accurate her story is, but since I share half of her genetics I figured I'd follow her advice. So far my leg hairs haven't changed from the way they've always been.

Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not sure how accurate this is, but the fact that our body hair that only grows in during puberty is noticeably darker and thicker than our body hair that's there from the start, I wonder if this is actually true. If our original body hair really is lighter and thinner because the hormone-induced effects on our hair during puberty hasn't kicked in yet, and once it does it affects all your hair follicles, but we didn't know until now because now we pressure women to shave off our initial hair en masse.

I do know that when shaved hair first grows back it only appears darker/thicker because it was cut at an angle (so more surface area shows, from above a / looks like a - while a | looks like a . ) but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was darker and thicker after fully growing out because of the above. Anecdotal experience but I can say I remember my body hair was thinner and lighter, even brown, before I shaved it (thanks, mom) and now it's black and thicker. Not that much thicker, but enough to be noticeable.

Feb 10 2025, 2:41 AM
I've gone several years without shaving my legs because I thought to myself that the culture surrounding it is ridiculous. Obvious nonsense aside (such as the notion that it's unhygienic; they're just grasping at straws there) some people treat it as though it's some unsightly, contagious skin disease and offensively hideous, which to me became something to not adher to.

School boys would snicker as my glorious dark leg hair waved in the wind. I had a guy chat me up and internally I laughed as I wondered when he'd notice, and as soon as he did he completely lost interest, cut off the conversation and scurried off.

I then did shave for work. (reasons for that) But hey, maybe I should stop again. But I'm a massive hypocrite as I do still use makeup. Small steps.
Feb 10 2025, 2:41 AM #5

I've gone several years without shaving my legs because I thought to myself that the culture surrounding it is ridiculous. Obvious nonsense aside (such as the notion that it's unhygienic; they're just grasping at straws there) some people treat it as though it's some unsightly, contagious skin disease and offensively hideous, which to me became something to not adher to.

School boys would snicker as my glorious dark leg hair waved in the wind. I had a guy chat me up and internally I laughed as I wondered when he'd notice, and as soon as he did he completely lost interest, cut off the conversation and scurried off.

I then did shave for work. (reasons for that) But hey, maybe I should stop again. But I'm a massive hypocrite as I do still use makeup. Small steps.

Feb 10 2025, 9:35 AM
I still shave and use makeup. Old habits die hard, and I just don't like the look or feel of having hairy legs or pits. I don't care what others do; it's about what I like for myself. All that aside, I wear less makeup and more rarely, and when I go without it for a while, putting it on makes me feel like I don't recognize myself, like I have stage makeup on, like I'm "fake". That's with a very minimal approach, too. If I decided to do "full face" for a fancy night out, I don't know if I'd recognize myself in the mirror.
Feb 10 2025, 9:35 AM #6

I still shave and use makeup. Old habits die hard, and I just don't like the look or feel of having hairy legs or pits. I don't care what others do; it's about what I like for myself. All that aside, I wear less makeup and more rarely, and when I go without it for a while, putting it on makes me feel like I don't recognize myself, like I have stage makeup on, like I'm "fake". That's with a very minimal approach, too. If I decided to do "full face" for a fancy night out, I don't know if I'd recognize myself in the mirror.

Feb 12 2025, 3:52 PM
I've always found this radblr post to be a clever and insightful way of going about adjusting yourself out of performing feminine beauty standards*. "Reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration."

*Should you want to—I always emphasize that the first step is that you have to want to in the first place. And for yourself too, not because someone else told you to. Otherwise you haven't yet escaped the mentality that got you started on following these standards in the first place.

I also had an idea (which I actually posted in an Ovarit comment a while ago) for makeup specifically, where I wonder if starting a trend on Whatever Social Media Is Hip With The Kids (I'm pretty sure Tik Tok is the most popular so it would get the most exposure, but the issue it's fighting against is more prevalent on Instagram I think) where women and girls who regularly use "I have to put this on to be allowed to see myself in the mirror and go outside" makeup choose to paint it all on a mask and then wear it instead of putting it on their faces.

Because technically, kind of, doing that still accomplishes the same "goal" of makeup, but having it be a literal mask separate from your face that you have to hide behind it makes you feel a certain way doesn't it? Also it protects their poor faces' pores from being caked in the stuff.

But honestly, thinking up stuff to help counteract beauty rituals and judging whether they would actually work or not is really hard for me because I won the lottery and have never liked the vast majority of any of it from day one. I do still shave, but I do it much less often now. So, like, I can kind of say whatever I want here without knowing how effective or insightful it actually is, because I just am not on the same wavelength as most women on this specific thing. I defer to the experiences and knowledge of the women that beauty rituals are an actual struggle to stop doing.

(Unnecessary TMI section but I very much think sharing how ""imperfect feminists"" we are does a lot more good than telling women to obey rules we don't even fully follow, and maybe there's another lady out there like me who will read this and feel seen: I only still shave because it's partially just a fact about reality that smooth skin feels different from skin with hair—even fully-grown-in not-prickly-stubble hair, there is a difference—and I happen to like that difference, and partially because for whatever reason my body hair naturally grows so long that it genuinely becomes painful to wear socks and anything long-sleeved that's not potato-sack-level-baggy because it gets pulled and twisted by them. Not knocking baggy clothes at all, they're my go-to favs, but it's just strange how not shaving for too long means I can't wear stuff that's still somewhat loose and not uncomfortable to wear whatsoever when I shave or my hair hasn't grown out too long yet.)
Feb 12 2025, 3:52 PM #7

I've always found this radblr post to be a clever and insightful way of going about adjusting yourself out of performing feminine beauty standards*. "Reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration."

*Should you want to—I always emphasize that the first step is that you have to want to in the first place. And for yourself too, not because someone else told you to. Otherwise you haven't yet escaped the mentality that got you started on following these standards in the first place.

I also had an idea (which I actually posted in an Ovarit comment a while ago) for makeup specifically, where I wonder if starting a trend on Whatever Social Media Is Hip With The Kids (I'm pretty sure Tik Tok is the most popular so it would get the most exposure, but the issue it's fighting against is more prevalent on Instagram I think) where women and girls who regularly use "I have to put this on to be allowed to see myself in the mirror and go outside" makeup choose to paint it all on a mask and then wear it instead of putting it on their faces.

Because technically, kind of, doing that still accomplishes the same "goal" of makeup, but having it be a literal mask separate from your face that you have to hide behind it makes you feel a certain way doesn't it? Also it protects their poor faces' pores from being caked in the stuff.

But honestly, thinking up stuff to help counteract beauty rituals and judging whether they would actually work or not is really hard for me because I won the lottery and have never liked the vast majority of any of it from day one. I do still shave, but I do it much less often now. So, like, I can kind of say whatever I want here without knowing how effective or insightful it actually is, because I just am not on the same wavelength as most women on this specific thing. I defer to the experiences and knowledge of the women that beauty rituals are an actual struggle to stop doing.

(Unnecessary TMI section but I very much think sharing how ""imperfect feminists"" we are does a lot more good than telling women to obey rules we don't even fully follow, and maybe there's another lady out there like me who will read this and feel seen: I only still shave because it's partially just a fact about reality that smooth skin feels different from skin with hair—even fully-grown-in not-prickly-stubble hair, there is a difference—and I happen to like that difference, and partially because for whatever reason my body hair naturally grows so long that it genuinely becomes painful to wear socks and anything long-sleeved that's not potato-sack-level-baggy because it gets pulled and twisted by them. Not knocking baggy clothes at all, they're my go-to favs, but it's just strange how not shaving for too long means I can't wear stuff that's still somewhat loose and not uncomfortable to wear whatsoever when I shave or my hair hasn't grown out too long yet.)

Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Feb 12 2025, 5:59 PM
(Feb 12 2025, 3:52 PM)Shroom I've always found this radblr post to be a clever and insightful way of going about adjusting yourself out of performing feminine beauty standards*. "Reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration."
That's a great post!

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐
Kozlik's regular account 🍀🐐
Feb 12 2025, 5:59 PM #8

(Feb 12 2025, 3:52 PM)Shroom I've always found this radblr post to be a clever and insightful way of going about adjusting yourself out of performing feminine beauty standards*. "Reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration."
That's a great post!

Kozlik's regular member account. 🍀🐐

Feb 13 2025, 12:57 PM
(Feb 12 2025, 5:59 PM)Clover
(Feb 12 2025, 3:52 PM)Shroom I've always found this radblr post to be a clever and insightful way of going about adjusting yourself out of performing feminine beauty standards*. "Reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration."
That's a great post!

I agree!

I never thought about it the way the radblr post author stated it, but that makes a lot of sense. I'm a lot like @Shroom in that I never cared a ton for beauty rituals either, and as somebody who's worked from home for most of my career (10 yrs now, so definitely before it was as common as it is today), I think my day-to-day work life has insulated me from feeling pressure to opt into things like makeup and shaving. Maybe I'd feel differently if this weren't the case.
Feb 13 2025, 12:57 PM #9

(Feb 12 2025, 5:59 PM)Clover
(Feb 12 2025, 3:52 PM)Shroom I've always found this radblr post to be a clever and insightful way of going about adjusting yourself out of performing feminine beauty standards*. "Reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration."
That's a great post!

I agree!

I never thought about it the way the radblr post author stated it, but that makes a lot of sense. I'm a lot like @Shroom in that I never cared a ton for beauty rituals either, and as somebody who's worked from home for most of my career (10 yrs now, so definitely before it was as common as it is today), I think my day-to-day work life has insulated me from feeling pressure to opt into things like makeup and shaving. Maybe I'd feel differently if this weren't the case.

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